📬 La newsletter del divendres #25 — The Friday's newsletter #25
Última edició! i una nova newsletter: Feedback for conservators ✍️— A Farewell! + a new newsletter: Feedback for conservators ✍️
Una oda a la conservació i l’estudi de l’escultura policromada sobre fusta i tots aquells recursos xulos que trobem per internet. És un projecte anual on es publicarà una newsletter quinzenal, feta únicament per diversió. També no és perfecta i no té cap intenció de ser-ho, però sí de compartir. Editada en català i anglès. Llegir aquí antigues newsletters. Aquesta és l’última publicació ✨.
A love letter to the conservation and study of Polychromed Wooden Sculpture and all the cool resources about it around the net. It’s a one-year bi-monthly newsletter project done just for fun. It’s also not perfect and doesn’t intend to, but rather a space to share. Edited in Catalan and English. Read here past newsletters. This is the last edition of this newsletter project ✨.
📹(Espanya) Un dels meus preferits, el Museu Frederic Marès — (Spain) The Museu Frederic Marès, one of my favourites museums.
🤓 una invitació (Bèlgica) — An invitation (Belgium)
(…) In spite of all of these recommendations and instructions, the ‘s Herenelderen altarpiece was almost entirely stripped in 1900, with the exception of most of the skin tones and a few details. Then, the altarpiece was repainted by copying the original quite accurately. (…)”
L’article va ser publicat dins el llibre Conservation in the nineteenth century, després d’aquesta conferència del SMK. Per cert, aneu seguint la feina de la Delphine, és realment molt interessant (algunes de les seves publicacions aquí. I sobretot, mireu aquest article en particular. La qüestió de re-policromies fetes al segle XIX, un tema que ella ha estudiat molt, és fascinant!).
The article was published in the book Conservation in the nineteenth century after this conference took place at SMK. Keep on your radar the work of Delphine, it is really interesting (some of her work here. Also check this article in particular. The question of re-polychromies in the 19th century - that she has worked a lot on- is fascinating!).
🎥 The Conservation Netflix (França/France)
He deixat un dels millors vídeos pel final: una magnífica conferència sobre l’estudi i la conservació dels elements escultòrics del retaule d’Issenheim presentada per la Juliette Levy-Hinstin, restauradora d’escultura especialitzada en policromia (i per sort meva també antiga professora meva al costat de Marie Payre, una altra professora de 10 que no ha format part d’aquest projecte). Recordeu posar els subtítols. Realment és un vídeo espectacular amb un estudi de policromia molt complex.
I left one of the best videos for this last issue: the study and conservation project of the sculptures of the Issenheim altarpiece explained by Juliette Levy-Hinstin, sculpture conservator specialised in polychromy (and luckily for me also my former teacher, alongside Marie Payre, another golden teacher not part of this project). To see a little bit more of the altarpiece, check this video. Remember to turn on the subtitles and pick your language of choice, it is truly a gem video, with a real complex polychromy study.
📖 Un llibre de referència (Espanya) — a reference book (Spain)
Presa de mostres de policromies: metodologia1 és un llibre molt petit però molt útil publicat per Butí, S., Salvado, N., Oriols, N.. Es pot comprar aquí, i llegir gratuïtament aquí (però crec que val molt la pena comprar-lo).
Presa de mostres de policromies: metodologia2 (= Taking polychromy samples: a methodology) is a small yet sooo useful book published by Butí, S., Salvado, N., Oriols, N. You can buy it here, and read it for free here (but in my opinion is worth buying it). It is edited in Catalan.
📬 Una nova newsletter — A new newsletter: Feedback for Conservators
Today I am presenting something very special and dear to me. Last year I put together the initiative Feedback for Conservators, to bring out there something that I always missed terribly and that I enjoy so much doing: giving deep, 1-1 professional feedback on cv’s, a motivation letter, portfolio etc, as well as a space to discuss possible professional blocks or dreams that you have in mind.
This free newsletter will support this initiative by discussing professional topics that I repeatedly see coming out on the Zoom sessions, in a very informal way. In between, I will usually publish a review of a digital free tool or app for conservators.
It will be out twice a month for a year. And no, it is not only for emerging conservators! The first post is out, you can sign up below.
✨Un comiat:
Avui poso punt i final a aquest projecte de newsletter d’un any (sí, només era per un any i ha passat volant!). Gràcies especialment a Vincenzo Amato i Ksenija Škarić per les seves col·laboracions. Espero que hagueu gaudit llegint/descobrint els (meus) tresors que he trobat al llarg dels anys per internet. Crec que tothom estarà d’acord que afortunadament hi ha molts/es professionals fent coses superxules arreu del món.
Si heu gaudit amb aquesta newsletter gratuïta, significaria molt per mi si em podeu ajudar a difondre aquesta nova newsletter gratuïta que em fa molta il·lusió, Feedback for Conservators. En qualsevol cas, moltes gràcies per ser-hi 💛.
El meu correu està obert si algú vol dir hola o per comentar-me que us ha agradat més de la newsletter (info@martaestadella.com). Així doncs, ens veiem a l’altra newsletter?
✨A farewell:
Today I close this 1-year newsletter project (yes it was just for one year! and it when fast). Special thanks also for the collaboration of Vincenzo Amato and Ksenija Škarić for their guest post. I hope you enjoyed reading/discovering the (my) gems that I found over the years on the net. At this point we can all agree that there are, thankfully, professionals doing really cool things out there.
If you enjoyed this free newsletter, It would mean the world if you can help to spread the news of the Feedback for Conservators’ newsletter (because any help is welcome to fight with the digital-Goliath: the algorithm). In any case, thanks for being there 💛.
My email is always open if you want to say hi or what you liked the most about the newsletter (info@martaestadella.com). So, see you in the other newsletter?
📷 🪵(Itàlia). La font de gran part de la bellesa d’aquesta newsletter: una fotografia que vaig fer dels magnífics (i enormes) arbres del Parco delle Casine a Florència, de quan vivia en aquesta bonica ciutat.
📷 🪵(Italy). The source of a big part of the beauty in this newsletter: a picture that I took of the spectacular trees from the Parco delle Casine in Florence, from back when I was living in that city.
Salvadó i Cabré, Nativitat; Butí i Papiol, Salvador; Oriols i Pladevall, Núria. Presa de mostres de policromies: metodologia [en línia]. Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació, 2008. <http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12368/14469>. [Consulta: 28 març 2023].